Server Start (Tic-Tac-War 2024) TicTac Server - Guild Wars
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Guild Wars

/war invite, guildname, fraglimit
This will invite guildname to have a war with a fraglimit of fraglimit
/war invite, Hardest, 50
/war cancel, guildname
This will cancel the war invitation to the guild guildname.
/war cancel, Hardest
/war accept, guildname
This will accept the war invitation of the guild guildname.
/war accept, Hardest
/war reject, guildname
This will reject the war invitation of the guild guildname.
/war reject, Hardest
Aggressor Information Enemy

0 : 0

On a brutal war
Began on Jun 05 2024, 11:34:18.
The frag limit is set to 50 frags, without any payment.

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Pekinski Rozpierdol

0 : 0

On a brutal war
Began on Jun 08 2024, 19:36:29.
The frag limit is set to 100 frags, without any payment.

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Game Over

Pending acceptation
Invited on Jul 06 2024, 20:56:30 for unspecified days. The frag limit is set to 100 frags, without any payment.
Will expire in three days.

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Game Over

1 : 0

On a brutal war
Began on Jul 08 2024, 19:19:08.
The frag limit is set to 100 frags, without any payment.

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