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Welcome to TicTac Server Shop.

 Items VIP
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Assault Mace (30 points)
Assault Mace (Atk:170 physical + 45 holy, Def:50)
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Assault Sword (30 points)
Assault Sword (Atk:170 physical + 45 holy, Def:50)
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Assault Axe (30 points)
Assault Axe (Atk:170 physical + 45 holy, Def:50)
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Assault Paladin (30 points)
Assault Bowbolt (Atk:235)
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Best Staff (30 points)
Assault Staff !wand Holy ,Change Staff 1kks
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tic tac amulet (50 points)
Tic Tac Amulet (protection physical +4%, energy +4%, fire +4%, ice +4%, holy +4%, death +4%). The effects of this amulet are defensive.
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tic tac boots (30 points)
Tic Tac Boots (Arm:5, faster regeneration). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers, druids, paladins, knights, mystic sorcerers, phantom druids, real archers and killer knights of level 8 or higher. It weighs 75.00 oz. Armor 5 - 1500 life a cada 1 segundo - 1500 de mana a cada 1 segundo.
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Donate ring (30 points)
Tic Tac Ring Deixa HP/MANA com +3000
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stmina forever (50 points)
Stamina Refiller Infinity
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Tic Tac Axe (10 points)
Tic Tac Axe (Atk:150 physical + 40 holy, Def:50).
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Tic Tac Slingshot (10 points)
Tic Tac Slingshot (Atk:210).
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Tic Tac Club (10 points)
Tic Tac Club (Atk:150 physical + 40 holy, Def:50).
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Tic Tac Staff (10 points)
Tic Tac Staff It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids.
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Tic Tac Sword (10 points)
Tic Tac Sword (Atk:150 physical + 40 holy, Def:50).
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Save Blessing (50 points)
forever blessing
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Donate falcon (80 points)
Donate Falcon (Arm:100, club fighting +5, sword fighting +5, axe fighting +5, distance fighting +5, magic level +3, protection all +3%).
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Donate outfit (150 points)
The Outfit Give Deixa HP/MANA com +4000 (Sword +6 shield +15 dist +6 axe +6 CLUB +6 Magic +6)
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Super sd (80 points)
super Sd
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promotion Note (160 points)
upgrades Promote (FASTATTCK 50%)
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Donate Backpack (80 points)
Donate backpack (protection all +3%)
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Potions Double exp (15 points)
2x Double Exp 1 hours Fast EXP (200% exp)
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Tic tac Aura (80 points)
Aura 10% Dodge forever Protc All
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SpellWand (20 points)
SpellWand for Sellitems all
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Tic Tac Knight Helmet (15 points)
Tic Tac Knight Helmet (Arm:25, club fighting +6, sword fighting +6, axe fighting +6, protection physical +6%, energy +6%, earth +6%, fire +6%, ice +6%, holy +6%, death +6%)
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Tic Tac Knight Armor (15 points)
Tic Tac Knight Armor (Arm:25, club fighting +6, sword fighting +6, axe fighting +6, protection physical +6%, energy +6%, earth +6%, fire +6%, ice +6%, holy +6%, death +6%)
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Tic Tac Knight Legs (15 points)
Tic Tac Knight Legs (Arm:25, club fighting +12, sword fighting +12, axe fighting +12, shielding +12)
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Tic Tac Knight Shield (15 points)
Tic Tac Knight Shield (Def:100, shielding +6, protection physical +5%, energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5%)
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Tic Tac Mage Helmet (15 points)
Tic Tac Mage Helmet (Arm:25, magic level +6, protection protection physical +6%, energy +6%, earth +6%, fire +6%, ice +6%, holy +6%, death +6%)
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Tic Tac Mage Armor (15 points)
Tic Tac Mage Armor (Arm:25, magic level +6, protection protection physical +6%, energy +6%, earth +6%, fire +6%, ice +6%, holy +6%, death +6%)
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Tic Tac Mage Legs (15 points)
Tic Tac Mage Legs (Arm:10, magic level +12)
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Tic Tac Spellbook (15 points)
Tic Tac Spellbook (Def:100, magic level +6, protection physical +5%, energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5%)
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Tic Tac Paladin Helmet (15 points)
Tic Tac Paladin Helmet (Arm:25, distance fighting +6, protection protection physical +6%, energy +6%, earth +6%, fire +6%, ice +6%, holy +6%, death +6%)
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Tic Tac Paladin Armor (15 points)
Tic Tac Paladin Armor (Arm:25, distance fighting +6, protection protection physical +6%, energy +6%, earth +6%, fire +6%, ice +6%, holy +6%, death +6%)
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Tic Tac Paladin legs (15 points)
Tic Tac Paladin Legs (Arm:25, distance fighting +12, shielding +12)
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Tic Tac Paladin Shield (15 points)
Tic Tac Paladin Shield (Def:100, distance fighting +6, protection physical +5%, energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5%)
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Remove Red Skull (30 points)
Removedor de Frags
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Best amulet (200 points)
Baiak Redskull (protection physical +5%, energy +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5%) Best amulet in Tic Tac Server Baiak Anti red Skull/ Protc at Some hits/Full Blessed Forever
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refinamento excelente (30 points)
Use refinamento no seus item SEM FALHA (Pala/Kina +30 up Weapon)
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Save skills/Magic level (160 points)
Save Skills (fish-sword-axe-club-distance-shield-Magiclevel) 0% lose
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Days VIP 15X (50 points)
15 Days VIP 20% experince Monster Hunt
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Days VIP 30X (100 points)
Days VIP 30 Days VIP 20% experince Monster Hunt
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Exclusive cave24h (160 points)
Use this item to gain 24 hours of exclusive cave access
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Exclusive cave (30 points)
Use this item to gain 4 hours of exclusive cave access
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Cave Exclusiva12h (80 points)
Use this item to gain 12 hours of exclusive cave access.
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Combo Double exp (30 points)
3x Double exp 1 hours (300%)
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dodge (40 points)
10x dodge stones
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critical (40 points)
10x critical
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Reflect feather (80 points)
10x Reflect feather
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Change NameChange Name (80 points)
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