Server Start (Tic-Tac-War 2024) TicTac Server - Players
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Character Information
Name:Major Sombra
Marital status:single
Profession:Elder Druid
Last login:22 June 2024, 11:58 pm
Player Health: 12025/12025
Player Mana:35555/35555
Player Level:1192
Player Experience:28092794737 EXP.
To Next Level:You need 28086082600 EXP to Level 1193.

Level ML Fist Club Swrd Axe Dist Shield Fish
1192 98 10 10 10 10 10 19 10
Demon Helmet
Pits of Inferno

18 Jun 2024, 09:01 Died at level 1198 by Morgaroth, Old Dark Skeleton, a brutus fire elemental, a demon, Ferumbras, a demon, a demon, a demon and by demon..
18 Jun 2024, 08:57 Died at level 1203 by titanium behemoth, Bazir, a latrivan, master fire demodras, a Hand of Cursed Fate, a juggernaut, a chief defiler, a chief dark torturer and by fire elemental..
18 Jun 2024, 04:34 Died at level 1204 by Vampire Abomination..
18 Jun 2024, 00:44 Died at level 823 by King Baiak..
18 Jun 2024, 00:43 Died at level 827 by King Baiak..
17 Jun 2024, 10:04 Died at level 511 by Morgaroth, a juggernaut, a demon, a brutus fire elemental, a demon, a demon, Ferumbras, a demon, a destroyer and by demon..
17 Jun 2024, 10:02 Died at level 512 by Hand of Cursed Fate, Morgaroth, a chief dark torturer, a dracola of the fiery, a brutus fire elemental, Ferumbras, master fire demodras, a crystal spider, a chief destroyer, a Diabolic Imp and by fire elemental..
17 Jun 2024, 09:13 Died at level 450 by madareth and by Toad Turtle..
17 Jun 2024, 04:07 Killed at level 434 by Hello you..

Account Information
Last login:Never logged in.
Account Status:NOT VIP

1. Major SombraTic-tac1192 Elder DruidOffline
2. Mucilon HuggiesTic-tac1047 Royal PaladinOffline

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