Server Start (Tic-Tac-War 2024) TicTac Server - Players
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Character Information
Marital status:single
Profession:Master Sorcerer
Last login:6 July 2024, 7:11 pm
Created:1 July 2024, 8:04 am
Player Health: 13865/12365
Player Mana:38075/36575
Player Level:1226
Player Experience:30569413748 EXP.
To Next Level:You need 30562892500 EXP to Level 1227.

Level ML Fist Club Swrd Axe Dist Shield Fish
1226 84 10 10 10 10 10 22 10
Demon Helmet
Pits of Inferno

6 Jul 2024, 14:08 Killed at level 1232 by Nutcher Bow..
6 Jul 2024, 08:21 Died at level 1186 by dracolof the fiery, a titanium behemoth, Bazir, a chief dark torturer, Morgaroth, a juggernaut, Ferumbras, the super old widow, a latrivan, a Diabolic Imp and by Hand of Cursed Fate..
6 Jul 2024, 08:13 Died at level 1192 by dracolof the fiery, Bazir, the super old widow, a titanium behemoth, a crazy nightmare, a brutus fire elemental, a juggernaut, a latrivan, a demon, a chief dark torturer and by Ferumbras..
6 Jul 2024, 04:03 Died at level 1197 by The Bossing Ice Brutus, Bazir, a latrivan, a head braindeath, a vampire, a vampire and by crystal spider..
1 Jul 2024, 09:41 Died at level 318 by serpent spawn, Ghazbaran, a blightwalker, a hellhound, a phantasm, Morgaroth, a nightmare, Ferumbras, a hellfire fighter, a demon and by lost soul..
1 Jul 2024, 09:38 Died at level 315 by madareth..
1 Jul 2024, 08:52 Died at level 305 by serpent spawn, Ghazbaran, a juggernaut, the massacre, a magicthrower, a behemoth and by medusa..
1 Jul 2024, 08:28 Died at level 241 by Orshabaal, a hellfire fighter, Ghazbaran, a warlock, a hellhound, Ferumbras, a demon, a Hand of Cursed Fate and by demon..

Account Information
Last login:6 July 2024, 7:10 pm
Account Status:VIP ACCOUNT

1. KnasigTic-tac1226 Master SorcererOnline

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