Server Start (Tic-Tac-War 2024) TicTac Server - Players
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Character Information
Name:Dill Hunting
Marital status:single
Profession:Elder Druid
Last login:2 July 2024, 9:46 pm
Created:20 May 2024, 5:11 pm
Player Health: 10385/10385
Player Mana:23765/30635
Player Level:1028
Player Experience:18013448305 EXP.
To Next Level:You need 18000845200 EXP to Level 1029.

Level ML Fist Club Swrd Axe Dist Shield Fish
1028 93 10 10 10 10 10 22 10
Demon Helmet
Pits of Inferno

2 Jul 2024, 16:52 Died at level 1033 by dracolof the fiery, Bazir, the super old widow, a titanium behemoth, a latrivan, a Hand of Cursed Fate, Ferumbras, a juggernaut, a crazy nightmare, a Diabolic Imp and by brutus fire elemental..
15 Jun 2024, 08:58 Killed at level 907 by Chancla Penetradora..
15 Jun 2024, 08:52 Died at level 912 by King Baiak..
29 May 2024, 10:50 Killed at level 915 by Miyuk and by Killer Boss..
20 May 2024, 21:27 Died at level 585 by brutus fire elemental, a demon, a demon, Morgaroth, a juggernaut, Ferumbras, a destroyer, a demon and by demon..
20 May 2024, 18:33 Died at level 254 by juggernaut, a hellhound, a hellfire fighter, a demon, a nightmare and by dragon lord..
20 May 2024, 18:28 Died at level 251 by Ghazbaran, a hellfire fighter, a demon, a demon, a demon, a demon and by demon..
20 May 2024, 17:41 Died at level 212 by Ghazbaran..
20 May 2024, 17:17 Died at level 96 by Morgaroth, a hellhound, a grim reaper, a hellfire fighter, a juggernaut, a demon and by diabolic imp..

Account Information
Last login:Never logged in.
Account Status:NOT VIP

1. Dill HuntingTic-tac1028 Elder DruidOffline
2. DillhuntingTic-tac362 Elite KnightOffline

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