Server Start (Tic-Tac-War 2024) TicTac Server - Players
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Character Information
Name:Alen Tankafull
Marital status:single
Profession:Elder Druid
Last login:24 June 2024, 6:15 pm
Created:19 June 2024, 8:03 pm
Player Health: 14225/14225
Player Mana:42155/42155
Player Level:1412
Player Experience:46756305460 EXP.
To Next Level:You need 46720467600 EXP to Level 1413.

Level ML Fist Club Swrd Axe Dist Shield Fish
1412 98 13 10 10 10 10 28 10
Demon Helmet
Pits of Inferno

24 Jun 2024, 01:35 Died at level 1417 by dracolof the fiery, Bazir, a chief dark torturer, a latrivan and by Diabolic Imp..
24 Jun 2024, 01:19 Died at level 1424 by Soulye Fire Elemental, a brutus fire elemental, Firex Maxivo, a diabolic imp and by diabolic imp..
23 Jun 2024, 08:46 Killed at level 1434 by Misza and by MagiciMage..
22 Jun 2024, 20:50 Died at level 1311 by MagiciMage, a stone golem, a stone golem and by stone golem..
22 Jun 2024, 19:37 Died at level 1301 by Evil Imperator's, Soulye Fire Elemental, Bladder Flame's, Firex Maxivo, a diabolic imp, a diabolic imp and by Dragon Maximus Attack..
22 Jun 2024, 19:37 Died at level 1312 by Old Dark Skeleton, Morgaroth, a Magician Mage, a brutus fire elemental, Ferumbras, a demon, a demon, a demon, a stone golem and by demon..
22 Jun 2024, 17:17 Killed at level 1297 by Siwydym..
22 Jun 2024, 17:14 Killed at level 1308 by Siwydym..
22 Jun 2024, 17:13 Killed at level 1315 by Siwydym..
22 Jun 2024, 15:18 Died at level 1321 by MagiciMage, a stone golem and by stone golem..

Account Information
Last login:27 June 2024, 5:12 pm
Account Status:NOT VIP

1. Alen TankafullTic-tac1412 Elder DruidOffline

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